Category: New Classes!

  • MICROSOFT ACCESS – Introduction & Intermediate combined, Begins April 28, 2014

    MICROSOFT ACCESS – Introduction & Intermediate combined


    Prerequisite: Knowledge of Microsoft Windows 7.

    Microsoft Access 2010 will be used, but several features covered can be used with earlier and later Microsoft Access versions.

    Discover why Microsoft Access is used by small businesses and technical professionals to track company data, expenses, performance, inventory, as well as streamlining specific processes.

    We will cover: Tables, Queries, Report Tool, Form Tool, Action Queries, Macros, and Structured Query Language.

    (1) Access Table and Query topics include: examining the Access ribbon interface, creating an d editing database tables and queries; enhancing query functionality with runtime popups; basic formulas and functions; data tracking, data analysis, and calculations using tables and queries. Learn how to use the built -in tools to sort and filter your data.

    (2) Access Reporting Tool topics include linking your tables and queries to the built-in report tool to create customized reports quickly.

    (3) Access Form Tool topics include linking your tables and queries to the built-in form tool to streamline data and create custom forms.

    (4) Other topics include Access Action Queries, Macros, and the Structured Query Language view, SQL view, to further enhance your understanding of your database.

    Limit 15.
    Monday, Apr. 28; May 5, 12; June 1 & 9
    6:30 – 9:00 pm
    Brookside Curriculum Library
    Juan Hinojosa
    5 Sessions

    See page 8 of 19 for the course description in the Bellmore Merrick Adult Education Brochure – Spring 2014.  Registration information can be found on page 3 of 19.  Fee: $110.00