Category: Access Review Materials

  • Introduction to Access 6-28-2015

    Below is a link to the databases developed in class.

    Introduction to Access 06-28-2015

    Steps to access the databases in the zip file:

    1. Download the above zip file
    2. Right-click the “zip” file from step 1 above and select extract.
    3. Open the folder containing the extracted files.
    4. If you have Microsoft Access, the access files .accdb can be opened by double clicking the extracted file.

    You can use the extracted files to review:

    1. Tables
    2. Queries
    3. Relationships
    4. Sorting a table
    5. Filtering a table
    6. Sorting a query
    7. Filtering a query
    8. Creating a Form and Report
  • Introduction to Access 3-28-2015

    Below is a link to the two databases developed in class.

    VacationPlanning 03-28-2015

    To access the databases download the above zip file, right-click the “zip” file and select extract.

    You can use the files to review:

    1. Tables
    2. Queries
    3. Relationships
    4. Sorting with a table
    5. Filtering with a table
    6. Sorting with a query
    7. Filtering with a query
    8. Using formula in a query
    9. Creating a Form and Report
  • Introduction to Access 3-10-2015

    Below is a link to the two databases developed in class.

    Introduction to Access 3-10-2015

    To access the databases download the zip file and then right-click that “zip” file and select extract.

    You can use the files to review:

    1. Tables
    2. Queries
    3. Relationships
    4. Sorting with a table
    5. Filtering with a table
    6. Sorting with a query
    7. Filtering with a query
  • Intermediate Access 11-8-2014 forms, subforms, reports, macros

    It was a nice working with the group on Saturday November 8. Below is a copy of the database developed during the workshop. You can use it to practice and review the activities covered in class.

    • Creating a one to many relationship
    • Creating a form
    • Creating a form with a subform
    • Creating a report
    • Adding a group and adding a sort to a report
    • Adding a number list to groups in a report
    • Creating a macro
    • Creating the AutoExec macro
    • How to hide the navigation pane. (Note: use “F11” to show/hide the navigation pane.)

    Intermediate Access 11-8-2014 forms, reports, macros

  • Introduction to Access 7-12-2014

    Below is a link to the three databases developed in class.

    Introduction to Access 7-12-2014

    To access the databases, download the zip file and then right-click that “zip” file to extract the files.

    You can use the files to review:

    • Tables
    • Queries
    • Relationships
    • Sorting with a table
    • Filtering with a table
    • Sorting with a query
    • Filtering with a query
    • The overview of reports and subforms
  • Introduction to Access 4-12-2014

    Below is a link to the database developed in class.

    Introduction to Access 4-12-2014

    To access the database, download the zip file and then right click that “zip” file to extract it.

    You can use this file to review:

    • Tables
    • Queries
    • Relationships
    • Sorting with a table
    • Filtering with a table
    • Sorting with a query
    • Filtering with a query
  • Advanced Access 12-7-2013

    Below is the link to the Access database file developed in class:

    Advanced Access Vacation List 12-7-2013

    It has been provided so you can review the action queries: Make Table, Append, Delete query, and Update query. You can also use it review the Crosstab query, Union query, SQL manipulation, and the Expression Builder.

    Have a Happy Holiday and a Happy New Year!

  • Advanced Access Vacation List 12-7-2013

    Advanced Access Vacation List

    To access the database, download the zip file and then right click downloaded zip file to select extract.

  • Introduction to Access 11-16-2013

    Below is a link to the database developed in class.

    Introduction to Access 11-16-2013

    To access the database, download the zip file and then right click that “zip” file to extract it.

    You can use this file to review:

    • Tables
    • Queries
    • Relationships
    • Sorting with a table
    • Filtering with a table
    • Sorting with a query
    • Filtering with a query
    • Data reconciliation between two sets
    • The quick preview of Reports and Forms
  • Advanced Microsoft Access Workshop 7-20-2013

    Below is the link to the Access database file developed in class:

    Advanced Access 7-20-2013

    It has been provided so you can review Make Table query, Append query, Update query, Crosstab query, Delete query, Union query, basic SQL manipulation, and the Expression Builder.

  • Intermediate Access 7-13-2013 forms (subforms), reports, macros

    It was a nice working with the group on Saturday July 13. Below is a copy of the database developed during the workshop.  You can use it to practice and review the activities covered in class.

    • Creating a one to many relationship
    • Creating a form
    • Creating a form with a subform
    • Creating a report
    • Adding a group and adding a sort to a report
    • Creating a macro
    • Creating the AutoExec macro
    • How to hide the navigation pane.  (Note: use “F11” to show/hide the navigation pane.)

    Intermediate Access 7-13-2013 forms, reports, macros

  • Introduction to Access 6-29-2013

    Below is a link to the database developed in class.

    Introduction to Access 6-29-2013

    To access the database, download the zip file and then right click that “zip” file to extract it.

    You can use this file to review:

    • Tables
    • Queries
    • Reports
  • Advanced Microsoft Access 2010 (5-4-2013)

    Below is the link to the Access database file developed in class:

    Advanced Access 5-4-2013

    It has been provided so you can practice the exercises with setting up relationships, designing a database, using SQL to create a union query, creating subforms, and to review the report tool.

  • Advanced Microsoft Access 2010 (4-27-2013)

    Below is the link to the Access database file developed in class:

    IceCreamHeaven 4-27-2013 (Small business Ice Cream Store Staff)

    It has been provided so you can practice the exercises with update, make table, and append queries.

    I look forward to seeing you all in the next class!

  • Intermediate Access 4-13-13 (Movies)

    It was nice working with the group on Saturday April 13th. Below is a copy of the database developed during the workshop.  You can use it to practice and review the activities covered in class.

    Intermediate Access 4-13-13

  • Intermediate Access 4-6-13

    Below is the link to the “Movie List” database developed in class. It has been provided so you can practice the activities done in class. It contains tables, a report, a data form, and macros developed in class.

    To access the database:

    1. Download the zip file below.
    2. Open the folder containing the zip file from the previous step.
    3. Right click that zip file to extract it.
    4. Once the zip file is extracted, you should be able to open the database.

    Intermediate Access 4-6-13

  • Introduction to Microsoft Access 2010 (3-16-2013)

    I am pleased to announce that below is the link to the “Summer List” database developed in class.  It has been provided so you can practice the activities done in class. It contains tables, queries, a crosstab query, report, and data imported from Excel.

    To access the database:

    1. Download the zip file below.
    2. Open the folder containing the zip file from the previous step.
    3. Right click that zip file to extract it.
    4. Once the zip file is extracted, you should be able to open the database.

    Introduction to Access 3-16-13 Summer List

  • Introduction to Access 3-9-13 Summer List

    It was a pleasure working with the group. Below is a copy of the database developed during the workshop to practice the activities done in class.

    To access the database:

    1. Download the zip file below.
    2. Open the folder containing the zip file from the previous step.
    3. Right click that zip file to extract it.
    4. Once the zip file is extracted, you should be able to open the database.

    Introduction to Access 3-9-13 Summer List

  • Advanced Microsoft Access 2010 (12-1-2012)

    I am pleased to announce below is the link to the Access database file developed in class:

    Advanced Access 12-01-2012 (vacation list and union query)

    It has been provided so you can practice the exercises done in class.

  • Advanced Access 12-1-2012 (Day 2 of 2 “Vacation List database”)

    Objective:  Show all columns and rows from a table.

    SQL Example 1: Start with the basic example below.

    Select *
    From T01_VacationList

    Objective:  Filter rows and show all columns.

    SQL Example 2: Filter and show all columns.  Also use “V” to write SQL code more compactly.

    Select *
    From T01_VacationList as V
    Where V.Category = ‘Equipment’

                Access 2010 uses single quote ‘  ‘ in SQL code.
                Access 2007 uses double quote ”  ” in SQL code.

    The filter condition is defined by “Where”
    Where V.Category = ‘Equipment’

    • Select ‘*’ means that all the attributes will be displayed.
    • “From” indicates the table which table is used.
    • “As” indicates the table is given the shorthand name b
    • To execute the query, click the RUN symbol “!” from SQL view.

    Objective:  Filter rows and show selected columns.

    SQL Example 3: Filter and show selected columns.

    Select Description, [Associated Price]
    From T01_VacationList as V
    Where V.Category = ‘Equipment’

    Objective:  Invert your filter using the “Not” operator.

    SQL Example 4: Using “Not” operator.

    Select *
    From T01_VacationList as V
    Where Not( V.Category = ‘Equipment’)

    Objective: Use mathematical formulas to add a math driven column.

    SQL Example 5: Find the Subtotal.

    Select V.*, [Associated Price] * quantity as Subtotal
    From T01_VacationList as V

    Objective:  Use mathematical formulas to add a math driven column AND the sum.

    SQL Example 6: Find the Subtotal.

    Select sum([Associated Price] * quantity) as Subtotal
    From T01_VacationList as V

    Try using OR, AND, and ” Like ‘a*’ ” with the “Where” parameter.

     Objective:  Using the UNION query to consolidate similar tables or queries.

    First you will need to create and save two queries named q1 and q1.

    SQL Union Example: Create a union of q1 and q2.

    Select [ID], [Description], [Category], [Associated Price]
    From q1

    Union Select [ID], [Description], [Category], [Associated Price]
    From q2;

    Decipher the following query:

    SELECT [First Name1] AS [First Name],[Start Time1] AS [Start Time],[End Time1] AS [End Time],[Start Date], ([End Time]-[Start Time])*24 AS [Hours Available]
    FROM [Form Number 01]

    UNION SELECT [First Name1] AS [First Name],[Start Time1] AS [Start Time],[End Time1] AS [End Time],[Start Date], ([End Time]-[Start Time])*24 AS [Hours Available]
    FROM [Form Number 02]

    UNION SELECT [First Name1] AS [First Name],[Start Time1] AS [Start Time],[End Time1] AS [End Time],[Start Date], ([End Time]-[Start Time])*24 AS [Hours Available]
    FROM [Form Number 03]

    UNION SELECT [First Name1] AS [First Name] ,[Start Time1] AS [Start Time],[End Time1] AS [End Time],[Start Date], ([End Time]-[Start Time])*24 AS [Hours Available]
    FROM [Form Number 04];

    Below are the files for the Day 2 learning activities:

    Advanced Access 12-1-2012 (vacation list_start point)

    Advanced Access 12-1-2012 (vacation list_end point)