Category: Advanced Access

  • Advanced Access 12-7-2013

    Below is the link to the Access database file developed in class:

    Advanced Access Vacation List 12-7-2013

    It has been provided so you can review the action queries: Make Table, Append, Delete query, and Update query. You can also use it review the Crosstab query, Union query, SQL manipulation, and the Expression Builder.

    Have a Happy Holiday and a Happy New Year!

  • Advanced Access Vacation List 12-7-2013

    Advanced Access Vacation List

    To access the database, download the zip file and then right click downloaded zip file to select extract.

  • Advanced Microsoft Access Workshop 7-20-2013

    Below is the link to the Access database file developed in class:

    Advanced Access 7-20-2013

    It has been provided so you can review Make Table query, Append query, Update query, Crosstab query, Delete query, Union query, basic SQL manipulation, and the Expression Builder.

  • Advanced Microsoft Access 2010 (5-4-2013)

    Below is the link to the Access database file developed in class:

    Advanced Access 5-4-2013

    It has been provided so you can practice the exercises with setting up relationships, designing a database, using SQL to create a union query, creating subforms, and to review the report tool.

  • Advanced Microsoft Access 2010 (4-27-2013)

    Below is the link to the Access database file developed in class:

    IceCreamHeaven 4-27-2013 (Small business Ice Cream Store Staff)

    It has been provided so you can practice the exercises with update, make table, and append queries.

    I look forward to seeing you all in the next class!

  • Advanced Microsoft Access 2010 (12-1-2012)

    I am pleased to announce below is the link to the Access database file developed in class:

    Advanced Access 12-01-2012 (vacation list and union query)

    It has been provided so you can practice the exercises done in class.

  • Advanced Access 12-1-2012 (Day 2 of 2 “Vacation List database”)

    Objective:  Show all columns and rows from a table.

    SQL Example 1: Start with the basic example below.

    Select *
    From T01_VacationList

    Objective:  Filter rows and show all columns.

    SQL Example 2: Filter and show all columns.  Also use “V” to write SQL code more compactly.

    Select *
    From T01_VacationList as V
    Where V.Category = ‘Equipment’

                Access 2010 uses single quote ‘  ‘ in SQL code.
                Access 2007 uses double quote ”  ” in SQL code.

    The filter condition is defined by “Where”
    Where V.Category = ‘Equipment’

    • Select ‘*’ means that all the attributes will be displayed.
    • “From” indicates the table which table is used.
    • “As” indicates the table is given the shorthand name b
    • To execute the query, click the RUN symbol “!” from SQL view.

    Objective:  Filter rows and show selected columns.

    SQL Example 3: Filter and show selected columns.

    Select Description, [Associated Price]
    From T01_VacationList as V
    Where V.Category = ‘Equipment’

    Objective:  Invert your filter using the “Not” operator.

    SQL Example 4: Using “Not” operator.

    Select *
    From T01_VacationList as V
    Where Not( V.Category = ‘Equipment’)

    Objective: Use mathematical formulas to add a math driven column.

    SQL Example 5: Find the Subtotal.

    Select V.*, [Associated Price] * quantity as Subtotal
    From T01_VacationList as V

    Objective:  Use mathematical formulas to add a math driven column AND the sum.

    SQL Example 6: Find the Subtotal.

    Select sum([Associated Price] * quantity) as Subtotal
    From T01_VacationList as V

    Try using OR, AND, and ” Like ‘a*’ ” with the “Where” parameter.

     Objective:  Using the UNION query to consolidate similar tables or queries.

    First you will need to create and save two queries named q1 and q1.

    SQL Union Example: Create a union of q1 and q2.

    Select [ID], [Description], [Category], [Associated Price]
    From q1

    Union Select [ID], [Description], [Category], [Associated Price]
    From q2;

    Decipher the following query:

    SELECT [First Name1] AS [First Name],[Start Time1] AS [Start Time],[End Time1] AS [End Time],[Start Date], ([End Time]-[Start Time])*24 AS [Hours Available]
    FROM [Form Number 01]

    UNION SELECT [First Name1] AS [First Name],[Start Time1] AS [Start Time],[End Time1] AS [End Time],[Start Date], ([End Time]-[Start Time])*24 AS [Hours Available]
    FROM [Form Number 02]

    UNION SELECT [First Name1] AS [First Name],[Start Time1] AS [Start Time],[End Time1] AS [End Time],[Start Date], ([End Time]-[Start Time])*24 AS [Hours Available]
    FROM [Form Number 03]

    UNION SELECT [First Name1] AS [First Name] ,[Start Time1] AS [Start Time],[End Time1] AS [End Time],[Start Date], ([End Time]-[Start Time])*24 AS [Hours Available]
    FROM [Form Number 04];

    Below are the files for the Day 2 learning activities:

    Advanced Access 12-1-2012 (vacation list_start point)

    Advanced Access 12-1-2012 (vacation list_end point)

  • Advanced Microsoft Access (11-17-2012)

    I am pleased to announce that below is the link to the “Course Coordination Application” project developed in class today Saturday 11/17/2012.

    Course Coordination Application (11-17-2012)

    It has been provided so you can practice the activities covered in day 1 of 2.

  • Learning Activity: “Course Coordination Application Project”

    The instructor will guide the registered student with questions and encourage the student to be an active participant in their learning.

    • The instructor will use the student’s prior knowledge (from Introduction to Microsoft Access and Intermediate Microsoft Access) and encourage the student to use all available resources first.
    • The student is encouraged to write down procedural steps in their own words to help solve other similar problems on their own.
    • Below are a few questions the student should ask themselves.  The student should write down the answers to following:
      1.    What is the purpose of the application?
      2.    What is the main objective?  
      3.    Can I create “mini” objectives to get to my ultimate goal?
      4.    After designing each part of your database framework, is there a way I can enhance it?

    Below is the basic information the student in Advanced Microsoft Access will use to begin the first activity.

    Advanced Access – Course Coordination Start Point